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Shawn "Famous" Figueroa is one of the deuteragonists on the Starz original crime drama Power Book III: Raising Kanan. He is portrayed by Antonio Ortiz.

Shawn is Kanan's charming, nice and extrovert best friend. A talented aspiring rapper, he protects his sister Jessica and is fiercely loyal to Kanan and the whole Thomas family.

Famous is a central character in Season 1-4.


Famous was born to an unnamed father and a Puerto Rican mother and has an older sister named Jessica.

He earned his nickname from going on the radio and reciting a poem, it was garbage as mentioned by Kanan but he became known among his peers. At some point, he befriended Kanan, becoming one of his best friends.


Season 1[]

Famous' first appearance is in Back in The Day. He is shown to be a very good friend of Kanan Stark and he is apart of Kanan's crew. Famous is present when D Wiz and Kanan kill Buck Twenty but he did not participate in the kill. He later takes credit for the kill in his song Streets Need a Body.

Season 2[]

Famous' first appears having a conversation with his sister Jessica about getting back in the studio. Famous insults Jessica by saying that since she is fucking Lou Lou he thought it would advance his career.

Famous also started smoking weed between Paid in Full and The More Things Change.

Famous then appears in the next episode Mind Your Business where he has had sex with a girl, and they are both asleep. Jessica has tried to wake him up but to no avail. Jessica then lets Kanan in and Kanan wakes Famous. Famous tries to get the girl out of the house before his mother gets home but she then arrives. Famous' mom then kicks him out after falsely accusing him of stealing money from her as Famous pleads with her to stay but she walks away. Famous is then shown with Kanan walking asking Kanan if he can stay with Raquel Thomas. Kanan explains to Famous that Raq only wants family in their home. Famous then tells Kanan he could sell his mixtapes to make some money. Famous later sells his mixtapes with Kanan but nobody buys them, the cops then harass Famous and Kanan and dump his mixtapes on the ground. Later when Jessica is preparing to leave for California, she asked Famous not to give up on his music, Famous says that he won't because he started it without Jessica and he will blow up without her, Jessica says that's good because she wants Famous to blow up and they hug before Jessica leaves. Kanan says Jessica is leaving but Famous hilariously says "Who gives a fuck" and walks past his mother after giving her a quick glance.

Famous appears in the next episode Sleeping Dogs where he tells Kanan that Scrappy is dead but Kanan insists that it can't be true. Famous then tells Kanan that Scrappy's entire family came to Raq's house and he then says that Scrap is gone but he says he killed himself not knowing that Raq killed him for allegedly snitching. As they were talking, Crown appears at the house to talk with Raq and after hearing Famous' struggles, he encourages Famous to rap about his struggles of homelessness. Fame noted that it was a good idea and was happy that Crown also gave a spare apartment, since his sister told him of his problem.

In "It's a Business, Man", he and Kanan were robbed by young gangster Freddy. Famous was upset when the latter took his necklace and the duffle bag that he and Kanan had. Afterwards, Kanan obtained a gun and took Famous with him to break into Freddy's apartment and held him at gunpoint, using Freddy's words against him. Famous was horrified to watch Kanan give Freddy a vicious beating in revenge. When a neighbor passed by, Famous implores Kanan to run and they take back their items while doing so.

Much later, he and Kanan were at a pizzeria, where he told Kanan that he needed money for rent, otherwise he's homeless again. Kanan says they would figure something out, before Famous noticed Kanan spotted Freddy entering and watched the latter back down when the smug Kanan taunts him. He collects his order of three boxes of pizza and leaves.

During "Anti-Trust", Famous asks Corrine to get him her mother's gun, stating he needed it for protection. In truth, Famous decided to go rob people to get the rent money. He donned a mask and found Freddy trying to leave his apartment, threatening him at gunpoint to open the door. However, Freddy was unfazed and revealed despite his mask, he knew it was Famous (from his voice) and said he can't let him off the hook for this. Famous witnessed Freddy reveal a gun on his side and seemingly reached for it, but this spooked Famous who accidentally shot him. As a wounded Freddy made an attempt to retaliate, Famous finished him by shooting him 3 more times, killing Freddy. Horrified at his actions, Famous quickly fled the scene unaware that a neighbor had heard the exchange.

Season 3[]

While working, he was accosted by cops on Freddy's murder but he denied knowledge of it. After being released, Famous returns home, where he is berated by Kanan for losing money. Famous defends himself and after arguing, he informs Kanan that he was the one that put Freddy down, shocking Kanan. Famous also admits that he did not mean to murder him, expressing heavy remorse at his actions while Kanan tells him to keep it to himself and not tell anyone else. Famous is upset when Kanan calls his actions stupidness, jeopardizing Kanan's business.


  • Become a rapper (Succeeded)
  • Assist Kanan (Ongoing)
  • Get his own apartment (Succeeded)
  • Get out of jail (Ongoing)

Murders committed by Famous[]

  • Freddy: Shot to death because freddy robbed him and Kanan.


  • Shawn created a track called "Streets need a body"
  • Kanan's son Shawn was possibly named after Famous.
  • In the show, the track "Streets need a body" indirectly hints that D-Wiz's dead body will be the body that the streets will claim.
  • It is unknown what happened to Shawn between 2014-2018 (events of season 1-5 of Power) as Kanan is shown to have no childhood friends and no known Family left by the time Kanan died in 2018.
  1. Murders conectt3d to famous ronnie mathis Murders connected to Famous